Tedros and Sword of the Light is the first animated short by Kassa Studios and will debut later this year!
This story is over 25 years in the making! When I was in the 4th grade, I wrote a short story called Fasil Trapped in the Video Game World for my language arts class. The premise is pretty self-explanatory! Coming back to it years later, I saw it as a story filled with potential and decided to expand upon it.
A brief synopsis:
The year is 1997. Tedros (Teddy) is just your average 9 year old boy without a care in the world. When tragedy strikes, Teddy becomes withdrawn from his family and friends and becomes obsessed with beating a video game: Sword of Light. One night, Teddy discovers that Sword of Light is more than just a game.
Here is a sneak peek at the animated short!
Tedros and the Sword of Light, will arrive later this year, so stay tuned!